Parish Clerk Information to note

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 that a vacancy exists in the office of Parish Councillor for Clipstone Parish Council – Cavendish Ward.

The vacancy has arisen due to the resignation of councillor P Greenwood and their term of office would have ordinarily expired in May 2023.

An election to fill the vacancies will be held if within 14 days* from the date below, TEN electors who are included on the Register of Electors at an address in the Clipstone Parish – Clipstone Ward, give notice in writing claiming such election to: –

  • The Returning Officer
  • Castle House
  • Great North Road
  • Newark
  • NG24 1BY

If no such notice is given, The Returning Officer will notify the Parish Council, who may then fill the vacancies by co-option.

Signed: Belina Boyer, Clerk to the Council